4 Criminal Defense Strategies Lawyers Use To Win Shoplifting Cases

1 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

All types of theft cases can attract severe penalties if you are convicted. Shoplifting charges, in particular, may be punishable by fines, community service, and even jail time. If you're accused of this offense, you should contact a qualified criminal defense lawyer to protect your rights and help you obtain a favorable outcome. They are skilled in formulating strategies to win cases and will ensure you regain your freedom. This article discusses four tactics they may use to help you win your case. Read More 

3 Ways A Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Save You Money

5 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When facing a traffic ticket, you have two options. The first option involves accepting guilt and paying a fine. The second option involves hiring a traffic lawyer to fight the traffic ticket in court and have the charge dismissed or reduced.  Most people opt for the first option because they assume that hiring a traffic lawyer is more expensive than paying a fine. However, hiring a traffic lawyer can help you save money. Read More 

3 Types Of Domestic Violence Cases Attorneys Handle

19 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The cases of people being assaulted are in the news often. The perpetrators of these acts could be a significant other, a family member, or someone else they're living with. Unfortunately, some people don't report these issues because they're afraid of losing custody of their children or support from the abuser. Here are three types of domestic violence cases attorneys handle. Sexual Abuse Cases These cases occur when an abuser uses sex to control their victims. Read More 

How the Best Interests of the Child and Fathers Who Want Custody Intersect

20 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Fathers should be just as likely to get physical custody of a child as the mother. However, this is not always the case. If you are certain that your child is better off with you instead of their mother, then you may need to take extra steps to obtain custody. Judges and others in the court system tend to act on what they perceive as being the best interest of the child—and not necessarily what is best for the parents. Read More 

Legal Representation After A DUI

16 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you may already realize that you need legal representation. When it comes to criminal defense, you have choices. You can hire a private attorney to help you with your DUI case, or, if you qualify, you can use a public defender. To learn more about these two choices, read on. What To Know About Public Defenders Almost every county offers defendants that fit the requirements an opportunity to legal council. Read More